Few Best Places To See In Somalia

This is a beautiful world with different cultures, places, etc. People have various options but they often visit the same location. Have you thought about a Trip to Somalia to check something off your bucket list? Don’t expect to be let down. Just on the east coast of central Africa, Somalia is home to a vibrant culture, friendly locals, beautiful beaches, and much more. It has a passport, currency, and government of its own, as well as a few embassies abroad. The few best places to see in Somalia are listed below:

Laas Geel

A few miles from the Hargeisa-Berbera highway, Laas Geel is situated in the self-declared Republic of Somaliland. One of Africa’s most colorful examples of rock art is regarded to be the Laas Geel cave paintings. A shell of some sort is attached to the cattle’s necks. Somalia travel guide will surely mention this spot to you.

Lido Beach

Go to Somalia to visit lido beach, the excursion is a short distance from the Indian Ocean, and the rapidly rising resort nation of Somalia provides some much-needed rest. The resort now stands for a secure and joyful summertime destination after several decades tainted by conflict. The beach has exploded with a variety of eateries, bars, and shops where you can buy delectable delicacies as well as handcrafted goods and mementos thanks to the recent restoration of order and tranquility in the area.

The Saryan Museum

The Saryan Museum, which just opened in 2017, is the country of Somaliland’s first museum and aims to showcase its history and culture. A collection of approximately 2,500 artifacts, including maps, stamps, objects from antiquity, newspapers, and more, may be found inside. The popularity of Mogadishu light house is the same as for this museum.

Final thoughts:

These are only a few places to see in Somalia and apart from this, numerous places there in and around Somalia. Try to contact the right travel guide and start your trip.  

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