UPSC Recruitment 2023: Deputy Director, Economic Officer, Marketing Officer, Specialist Posts, Salary 209200 – Apply Now

Union Public Service Commission has released the UPSC Recruitment 2023: Deputy Director, Economic Officer, Marketing Officer, Specialist Posts notification on 11/03/2023. Totally 45 vacancies will be filled in various departments, Across India. The online application will be available online from 11/03/2023 to 30/03/2023. Candidates meeting the requirements can submit an online application before the last date. The selection will be made based on the personal interview. Candidates can look over the detailed information in the content provided below. Candidates will also be able to view the in-depth content details here.

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Name of the Post: Deputy Director, Economic Officer, Marketing Officer, Specialist

Post Date: 11/03/2023

No of Vacancies: 45

Place: Across India

See Also:-

Important Dates for UPSC Recruitment 2023: Deputy Director, Economic Officer, Marketing Officer, Specialist Posts

Eligible candidates should submit their applications for Deputy Director, Economic Officer, Marketing Officer, Specialist, Horticulture Specialist, Joint Director and Senior Design Officer Posts before the given deadlines. To apply for the positions, please see the online application dates listed in the table below.

Last Date to Apply Online30/03/2023

Vacancy Details of UPSC Recruitment 2023: Deputy Director, Economic Officer, Marketing Officer, Specialist Posts

The Union Public Service Commission is accepting applications for 45 Deputy Director, Economic Officer, Marketing Officer, Specialist and other posts that are currently open. Check out the table below for details on the openings. Selected candidates will be posted anywhere in India.

S. NoName of the PostsNo. of Posts
1Joint Director (Crops Development Directorates)3
2Horticulture Specialist1
3Assistant Horticulture Specialist2
4Marketing Officer (Group-III)5
5Economic Officer1
6Senior Design Officer Grade-I (Electrical)5
7Specialist Grade III (General Surgery)9
8Specialist Grade III (Orthopaedics)1
9Deputy Director of Mines Safety(Mining)18

Pay Scale:

After being hired, the candidates will receive a compensation scale on a monthly basis. The following pay scale applies to all positions.

S. NoName of the PostsPay Level
1Joint Director / Horticulture Specialist / Specialist67700 – 208700
2 Marketing Officer /  Economic Officer44,900 – 1,42,400 
3Assistant Horticulture Specialist56,100 – 1,77,500
4Deputy Director78,800 – 2,09,200

Age limit:

The table below lists the maximum age for the mentioned positions. Candidates will only qualify for the position if they meet the age requirements. Age relaxation is applicable as per Government rules. Candidates belonging to the reserved category can check the relaxed age limit here. Relaxed age limits are given below.

S. NoName of the PostsAge Limit
1Joint Director (Crops Development Directorates)40 years
2Horticulture Specialist40 years
3Assistant Horticulture Specialist35 years
4Marketing Officer (Group-III)30 years
5Economic Officer35 years
6Senior Design Officer Grade-I (Electrical)40 years
7Specialist Grade III40 years
8Deputy Director of Mines Safety(Mining)40 years

Educational Qualification:

Candidates can check the below table for qualification details.

Post NameEducational QualificationExperience
Joint Director (Crops Development Directorates)Master’s Degree / Bachelor’s Degree in relevant discipline3 years
Horticulture SpecialistMaster’s Degree in relevant discipline5 years
Assistant Horticulture SpecialistMaster’s Degree in relevant discipline3 years
Marketing Officer (Group-III)Master’s Degree / Bachelor’s Degree in relevant discipline
Economic OfficerMasters’s Degree in Economics or Applied Economics or Business Economics or Econometrics or Commerce2 years
Senior Design OfficerB.E/B.Tech5 years
SpecialistMBBS & Post-Graduate degree or diploma in the concerned speciality or super speciality3 years
Deputy Director of Mines SafetyDegree in Mining Engineering10 years

Selection Process:

The selection will be based on

  1. Interview

Application Fee:

Candidates can pay the fee either offline or online. Applications without the prescribed fee would not be considered.

Gen / OBC / EWS / Male25/-
SC / ST / PH / WomenNil

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